Poems of Beauty and Blessing 36: As It Comes

I guess this poem is about the dance of impermanence with that which is eternal. They are both necessary to us as humans. The trouble comes when we try to find eternity where it doesn’t exist. I guess this poem is about accepting life for what it is here on earth and letting it be impermanent, while also trusting that we are made for eternity.

As It Comes

As it comes, light lingers, and then it leaves,

Dimming the day, once drawn in muted morning tints,

Then brimming with the bright hues of high noontide’s healing,

Now departing as the dusk draws down to dark,

Shadowing all the visible beneath its veil.

As it comes, beauty balms, and then it burns,

Bringing joy to the heart which bears no jot of hurt,

Letting love lie lightly upon the soul unlearned in sorrow,

But teaching eyes to weep at its wonder

When they glimpse it through the bitter glass of grief.

As it comes, so it goes,

Life leaps up, and then lies still.

But if we take it in truth and hold it holy,

We gain the more by its going,

For then we are embraced by eternity,

If we can but meet it as it comes.

Deo gloria! Deo gratias!

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