Poems of Beauty and Blessing 32: Seeking Salem

This time, a poem about those times when life is very uncertain and we find ourselves seeking we hardly know what.

Seeking Salem

We wake to walk the world a while in wonder,

Tumbled into time for triumph or for tragedy.

More likely a bit of both is what we are born to bear

As the sparks fly high into the sky.

Torn from our trust in eternity,

We learn to seek solace in rhythm and rhyme,

In the chime of changing seasons

Dazzled by the dance of days and nights.

But when a measure of the dance is missed,

And time seems terrible with the weight of worry or woe,

Then do we seek the peace which passes all perfection,

To be held hallowed in gentle, healing hands,

And to live once more in light which knows no loss.

Deo gloria! Deo gratias!

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