Poems of Beauty and Blessing 33: Soul-Song

In this poem, I was trying to get at the idea of the body-soul connection. Indeed, I used the word “connection” just now, but I really mean “integration.” We are body-souls, and what each does affects the other. I’ve always loved the image of a harp ringing in sympathy with another.


As upon the harp a sound-struck string sings in sympathy

When wakened by the nearness of another instrument’s note,

So sings the soul in echoes of eternity

When time takes its leave for a little space,

And brightness spills brimming from the golden chalice of charity.

Yet yearning is not assuaged by mere harmonic happenstance.

The echo must be endlessly renewed,

Restated in the resonating rhyming of the body,

Which bound in time can nonetheless bear the soul in singing silence

To seek its consummation in chords of cosmic joy.

Deo gloria! Deo gratias!

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